The Photonovel Alliance

Jedi Master Mace Windu receives an urgent message for a confidential meeting on a rooftop in the nightclub section of Coruscant.


Shade: ……you’re late……

Mace Windu: How long have you been here? This is a very public place.

Shade: ……no worry……no one looks up……down here……

Mace Windu: Very well. Please tell me that your investigation didn’t have anything to do with the murders of the Royal Guards.

Shade: They were traitors to the Republic!!!

Shade: They betrayed their oath……to protect the Republic……they deserved to be executed……

Mace Windu: No one deserves to die, including traitors.

Shade: ……really?……there are a lot of people……that would disagree with you, Jedi……

Shade: ……besides……the information I found……may prove to be more valuable……than their lives……

Mace Windu: What did you find?

Shade: ……not what……but where……

Shade: ……a message sent to an unidentified warrior……to go to a planet in the Outer Rim…… and meet someone there……

Mace Windu: Meet who? It could be Sidious or even Count Dooku.

Shade: ……doesn’t say……but their data pad does have……the coordinates to the Outer Rim planet……

Mace Windu: Which planet in the Outer Rim?

Shade: ……too difficult to tell……the coordinates are well outside the Republic’s maps……

Mace Windu: Do you have any information on the warrior? Could it be another bounty hunter?

Shade: ……no information about the warrior either……

Shade: ……but I will travel to the Outer Rim……and find this “warrior”……

Mace Windu: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT engage the enemy. Wait until we arrive. Is that clear?

Shade: ……unless……it is absolutely necessary……you have my word, Jedi……keep the data pad……

Mace Windu: ………

Mace Windu: Gone……

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