The Photonovel Alliance
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Later on, on board the Trade Federation ship,


Nouk Kii is in the infirmary receiving a prognosis from the chief surgical droid.

“Your master suffered significant tissue damage, the bacta treatment will heal him. You, on the other hand, suffered mere heat exhaustion. You must rest.”

Nouk further complains “I’m still feeling sick from the wine…” which the surgeon acquiesces “I am administering an antidote to counter the toxin.”

Suddenly, a Firespray-31 class ship emerges from hyper space.

As the small Mandalorian ship rushes toward the huge Trade Federation vessel…

…it unleashes a volley of powerful blasts…

…hitting the Trade Federation ship’s main antenna complex.

As the entire ship is jolted and lights flicker,

Captain Sleena announces what has happened over the intercom.

As the damage reverberates, Nouk Kii makes his way to the bridge.

The captain tells him “It is a Mandalorian ship, they’ve knocked out our communications and our engines!”

A bridge officer interrupts “Sir, the hostile ship is attempting to dock via airlock four, the blast doors have been sealed to prevent its crew from coming through.”

Nouk says “That won’t be enough, they’re here to steal the Iktotchi ark.” and then without thinking, he bravely volunteers “Have security droids meet me by the blast doors, and activate your droideka!”

“The droideka are all on the planet Master Jedi, all we have are the security droids.” Sleena regretfully reports.

With a contingent of security droids, Nouk Kii makes his way to the airlock separating the enemy ship from the main complex of the Neimoidian ship.

As Nouk listens to the clanking noises of the hostile vessel docking with the ship,

The pirates suddenly begin cutting through the blast doors.

Grasping for air, grasping for calm, Nouk thinks back to Sifo-Dyas’ words about controlling his fear, and wishes that his master was with him.

As the doors violently blast open, a phalanx of IG-98 droids emerges through the smoke…

…all carrying shields to deflect the expected security droids’ blaster shots.

As the attacking droids exchange fire with the security droids, Nouk Kii swiftly rushes past an invading droid’s shield…

…and disables the droid permanently.

Just as most of the security droids have been destroyed, a cabal of Mandalorian pirates enters to finish disposing of the ship’s security forces and secure the corridor.

Realizing that he is outmatched…

…Nouk Kii retreats under a hail fire of blasts.

Victorious, the pirates line up to clear the entrance for their leader…


Meanwhile, as Nouk seeks shelter from the Mandalorians, the senatorial campaign on Naboo is heating up.

Professor Palpatine is in Otoh Gunga, a heavily populated underwater Gungan province, to rally support for his candidacy.

The Professor panders to the crowd “It’s time to bring Gungan values back to Coruscant, not the elitist Theed mentality represented by Senator Gloval!”

“And under my watch, I will promote a strong defense force for Naboo!” he continues, and makes more difficult to keep promises “And we will cut taxes!”

The Governor of Otoh Gunga, Rasha Limps, addresses her constituents “Yousa betcha! Professa Palpatine beesa ornery bantha! Change yousa can believe in!”

As the crowd wildly cheers the popular governor’s endorsement,

The two politicians join hands and repeat the campaign’s slogan “Yes we can!”

Back in the Iktotch system, the marooned Trade Federation ship is the site of a hostile takeover by Mandalorian pirates.

The intruders barge onto the bridge, effectively seizing control of the ship.

As Captain Sleena trembles with fear,

He whimpers “Pleeeease, take the ark, take the shuttles, take everything!”

Lord Mandalore suddenly grabs Captain Sleena by the neck, raising the Neimoidian off the deck and demands “Where is the Jedi who evaded us?”

As the Captain struggles to breathe under the grip of the villainous outlaw, he squeals “We can track him through the corridors with our hidden security holo-monitors!”

Mandalore replies “Excellent,” and as he cruelly snaps the helpless Neimoidian’s neck, killing him instantly, he sneers “You have served your purpose.”

He then orders his minions “Tear the ship apart, I want that Jedi found!”

And as he takes the captain’s chair, Mandalore issues further orders “Secure the ark and get our ship ready for hyperspace.”

Mandalore’s second in command, Xain, says “we found the jedi using the surveillance system.”

The bridge crew droids then bring up a holographic image of Nouk Kii making his way through the ship.

Relishing the thought of killing a Jedi, Mandalore orders “Go get him. Make him suffer!”

As Xain begins the hunt…

Nouk Kii looks for a safe place to regroup.

Meanwhile in the cargo bay, two of the pirates arrive to seize their bounty.

The lead Mandalorian pulls a blaster to a Neimoidian crew member’s head and demands:

“Where is the ark that was brought on board?”

After receiving their answer, the pirates execute the crewmen in cold blood.

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